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Things to do in Tripura

Getting bored from the monotonous life? Then get ready to travel with us. Pack your bags and head towards the stunning Tripura. This splendid state happens to be the third smallest state in India. It is truly an ideal destination for vacationers. Tripura is rich in dewy landscape, lush green valleys, marvellous hill locks, and picturesque views. The state is blessed with beautiful water bodies, palaces, rich wildlife, and forests.

 Some exotic places to explore in Tripura are- Agartala- the capital of the state Tripura is known for fresh produce of rice, jute, tea, and oilseeds. Head towards Ujjayanta Palace -one of the eye-catching structures of the North East states in Agartala. This Palace was re-constructed in1901 AD by Maharaja Radha Kishore Manikya after it was destroyed in 1897 by a massive earthquake.

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